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Most recent roam work

  • Localizations in many languages
  • Spanish, Portuges, French, German, Filipino, Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Punjabi, Italian
  • Improve customized keyboard shortcut support on iPad even if Full Keyboard Access is turned on

Upcoming Roam Updates

Bug Fixes

  • Figure out if the loop of calls to nextPacket make sense.
    • Instead of looping every 10ms and hoping the timing is correct, should I instead be looping over received packets and trying to schedule them at host time 10ms * globalSequenceNumber + startHostTime and sampleTime to sequenceNumber * Int64(lastSampleTime.sampleRate) / packetsPerSec + startSampleTime
    • Then I can switch from a for await loop over the clock to a while !Task.isCancelled loop with a Task.sleep in it.
  • Figure out what causes data leak in case of long-running private listening after TV shuts off...
  • Get keyboard shortcuts working on iPad even when Full Keyboard Access is turned on...
    • Figure out if we can make this work with a combination of .focusable(false), .focus(focusKey) and .onKeyPress...
    • Ensure that whatever solution gets used for iOS doesn't break text entry in messages/keyboard entry
  • Figure out what causes race condition when quickly clicking headphones mode keyboard shortcut
    • ensure rtcp/rtp listeners are cancelled...
    • if they aren't work backwards up to why and fix
    • if they are, why aren't they stopping...


  • Add tips for private listening
  • Add tips for keyboard shortcuts
  • Add tips for messaging the dev?
  • Add tips for features that don't work when there is no API key (message developer, share diagnostics)
  • Add tip for setting up global keyboard shortcuts via macos app

Improve Testing

  • UI Tests
    • Test when device is added that it shows up in device picker and is selected by roam
    • Test that user can navigate to settings -> devices
    • Test that user can navigate to settings -> messages
    • Test that user can navigate to settings -> about
    • Test that user can edit/delete devices
    • Test that user can click buttons once devices are added
    • Test that user sees banner for no devices when it shows up
    • Test that the user sees applinks
    • Refer to swiftdat testingmodelcontainer for modelcontainers
    • Refer to here for how to setup tests

App Clip

  • AppClip
    • Add a "getAShareableLinkToThisDevice" button on settings -> device
    • Autogenerate app clip codes with that shareable link

Improve user messaging around info/status management

  • Update Info/status management to better handle volatile state
    • On disconnect, select, button click, move to foreground, app opened -> Restart reconnect loop if disconnected
    • Reconnect loop is to exponentially backoff retrying failing connections (0.5s, double, 10s backoff)
    • When connected to the device, always disable the network warnings
    • When trying to connect to the device, or trying to power on the device, show spinning information icon instead of gray dot
    • When powering on the device and succeeding, show an animation on transition from gray -> spinning -> green
    • When powering on the device with WOL and not connecting after 5 seconds, or when powering on the device and immediately failing, show a warning message underneath the wifi one
      • “We weren’t able to wake your Roku” (Find out more) (Don’t show again for this device), (X)
      • Find out more shows some reasons why
        • You aren’t connected to the same network (Show last device network name. Ask if the user is connected to this network)
        • Your device is in deep sleep (wasn’t powered down recently) and can’t be woken up
          • Your device doesn’t support WWOL and is connected to wifi
          • Your device doesn’t support WWOL or WOL
        • Your network isn’t setup in a way to allow us to send wakeup commands to the device
    • Reconnect loop = Backing off Exponentially attempt to reconnect to reconnect ECP
      • Reconnect ECP first
      • Listen to notify second
        • Handle +power-mode-changed,+textedit-opened,+textedit-changed,+textedit-closed,+device-name-changed
        • Make sure we can handle each of these requests and their format…
      • Refresh device state third
      • Refresh query-textedit-state fourth
        • Update textedit state
      • Refresh device icons fifth
    • On all changes after reconnecting (through notify or anything)
      • Update Device (stored) and DeviceState (voilatile)
    • After reconnecting/disconnecting, update online status in remote view

Improve user messaging around device capabilities

  • Update user messaging when errors may occur
    • When clicking on a disabled button, open popover to show why it’s disabled
      • Show a info indicator on the button to indicate that information can be received when it’s clicked?
      • Headphones mode disabled -> because device doesn’t support headphones mode to this app
      • Volume control disabled -> because the audio is outputting over HDMI which does not support volume controls?
    • When actively scanning for devices and no new ones are found show a warning message underneath the device list
  • Add badge for supportsWakeOnWLAN and supportsMute

Support ecp textedit

  • Update keyboard handling to support ecp-textedit on KeyboardEntry
    • Show keyboard when textedit is opened
    • Hide keyboard when textedit closed
    • If ecp-textedit is supported, allow selecting, deleting text and moving cursor. Just re-send text each time it changes if this is supported.
    • If ecp-textedit is not supported, fall back to current behavior of sending keys

Keyboard ECP Session Commands (notes)

- {"request":"request-events","request-id":"4","param-events":"+language-changed,+language-changing,+media-player-state-changed,+plugin-ui-run,+plugin-ui-run-script,+plugin-ui-exit,+screensaver-run,+screensaver-exit,+plugins-changed,+sync-completed,+power-mode-changed,+volume-changed,+tvinput-ui-run,+tvinput-ui-exit,+tv-channel-changed,+textedit-opened,+textedit-changed,+textedit-closed,+textedit-closed,+ecs-microphone-start,+ecs-microphone-stop,+device-name-changed,+device-location-changed,+audio-setting-changed,+audio-settings-invalidated"}
- {"notify":"textedit-opened","param-masked":"false","param-max-length":"75","param-selection-end":"0","param-selection-start":"0","param-text":"","param-textedit-id":"12","param-textedit-type":"full","timestamp":"608939.003"}
- {"request":"query-textedit-state","request-id":"10"}
- {"content-data":"eyJ0ZXh0ZWRpdC1zdGF0ZSI6eyJ0ZXh0ZWRpdC1pZCI6Im5vbmUifX0=","content-type":"application/json; charset=\"utf-8\"","response":"query-textedit-state","response-id":"10","status":"200","status-msg":"OK"}
- {"param-text":"h","param-textedit-id":"12","request":"set-textedit-text","request-id":"20"}
- {"response":"set-textedit-text","response-id":"29","status":"200","status-msg":"OK"}